Cyprus protests meeting of Azerbaijan, Turkish Cypriot heads



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NICOSIA, Cyprus — The international ministry of Cyprus stated Thursday it’s lodging formal protests in opposition to a gathering between the chief of the ethnically break up island nation’s breakaway Turkish Cypriots and the president of Azerbaijan amid issues of a stepped-up partition marketing campaign.

The Ministry of International Affairs expressed “disappointment and remorse” over the Tuesday assembly Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev had with Turkish Cypriot chief Ersin Tatar on the sidelines of the Islamic Solidarity Video games in Turkey. It requested the Azerbaijani authorities to take “corrective steps.”

The ministry stated the assembly contravened U.N. Safety Council resolutions condemning the unilateral, decades-old declaration of a separate Turkish state in northern Cyprus. It added that assist for Turkish Cypriot calls for may scupper Azerbaijan’s bid for a European Union partnership deal, which would want consent from EU member Cyprus.

Cyprus was break up in 1974 when Turkey invaded following a coup by supporters of union with Greece. Solely Turkey acknowledges a Turkish Cypriot declaration of independence. Though Cyprus be part of the EU in 2004, full advantages apply solely to the Mediterranean island’s Greek Cypriot south, the place the internationally acknowledged authorities is seated.

Earlier Turkish Cypriot leaders championed a peace deal that established Cyprus as a federation composed of Greek-speaking and Turkish Cypriot zones. Tatar strongly advocates – with Turkey’s backing – a two-state accord based mostly on the “sovereign equality” of the Turkish Cypriots with the nation’s majority Greek Cypriots.

Tatar argues that just about 5 a long time of talks geared toward a federated Cyprus have failed and {that a} two-state deal is the one possible route. Greek Cypriots reject any deal that may formalize the island’s partition.

The Cypriot authorities fears that conferences between Tatar and international heads of state are supposed to safe political recognition for the breakaway north in assist of a two-state deal.


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